Тесты по английскому языку. 2-3 классы

  1. Подбери к прописным буквам B, D, Q, P, F, T, H английского алфавита строчные буквы.

  1. b, d, q, f, t, h, l

  2. b, d, q, p, f, t, h

  3. d, b, p, q, t, f, n

  4. b, d, l, k, f, q, h

  1. Если смешать два цвета, то получится новый цвет. Догадайся, какой получившийся цвет назван неправильно.

  1. green + red = brown

  2. white + red = pink

  3. yellow + red = white

  4. blue + red = purple

  1. Найди правильный ответ на вопрос How old are you?

  1. I’m seven.

  2. I’m Anna.

  3. I’m fine.

  4. I’m from Russia.

  1. С каким из названных предметов нельзя поиграть?

  1. A ball

  2. A table

  3. A cat

  4. A doll

  1. Собак каких из этих цветов не бывает?

  1. Grey

  2. Black

  3. Brown

  4. Green

  1. Догадайся по описанию, какое это животное:

It’s little. It’s grey. It can run and hide. It likes cheese. Cats can eat this animal. What is it?

  1. A horse

  2. A mouse

  3. A kitten

  4. A dog

  1. Прочитай текст и ответь, как зовут дедушку Анны?

Hello. My name’s Anna. I’ve got a brother. His name’s Tom. I’ve got a mother. Her name’s Linda. I’ve got a father. His name’s Nick. My father has got a mother. Her name’s Helena. My mother has got a father. His name’s David. We are happy!

  1. David

  2. Nick

  3. Tom

  4. Linda

1. They are big. They are brown. They live in Russia. They live in the forest. They can swim and climb a tree. They like honey. They are…

  1. Foxes

  2. Cats

  3. Wolves

  4. Bears

2. You don’t need a ball when you play…

  1. Volleyball

  2. Basketball

  3. Tennis

  4. Snowballs

3. It’s cold. It snows. You can play ice-hockey, ski, sledge and skate. You can play snowballs and make snowmen. What season is it?

  1. Spring

  2. Summer

  3. Autumn

  4. Winter

4. Odd one out.

  1. A duck

  2. A monkey

  3. A hen

  4. A chicken

5. What don’t you wear on your feet?

  1. Shoes

  2. Boots

  3. Gloves

  4. Trainers

6. New Year’s Day is on the 1st of January.

Christmas Day is on the 25th of December.

Valentine’s Day is on the 14th of February.

When is Halloween?

  1. On the 8th of March

  2. On the 1st of April

  3. On the 23rd of February

  4. On the 31st of October

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